Renewable Energy In Africa

According to a report by the International Energy Agency, renewable energy will be responsible for close to 50% of sub-Saharan Africa’s power output.

As of October 2014, 620 million people in Africa had little access to electricity and this gravely affects the region’s economic growth potential. According to the IEA report, currently only about 10% of the continents hydropower potential is being used. Africa also has huge solar and wind energy potential. East Africa (mainly Kenya & Ethiopia) is also positioned to reap the benefits of Geothermal energy.

The report notes that, “Two-thirds of the mini-grid and off-grid systems in rural areas in 2040 are powered by solar photovoltaics, small hydropower or wind. As technology costs come down, the attraction of renewable systems versus diesel generators grows (although they are often used in combination), especially where financing is available to cover the higher upfront expense.”

Another report from IHS identifies South Africa as the “world’s most attractive emerging country for solar energy.”  Climatescope 2014 also ranks South Africa above other sub-Saharan African countries thanks to the scale of its renewable energy investment.

Top Renewable Energy Investment Destinations in Africa
1. South Africa
2. Kenya
3. Uganda
4. Nigeria
5. Ghana
6. Tanzania

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